Tuesday, December 31, 2019

This is how women and men Venmo differently

This is how women and men Venmo differentlyThis is how women and men Venmo differentlyWhen you send your coworkers money for buying that round of happy-hour drinks, your method may be different depending on who you are, according to a new study on popular mobile payment service Venmo.Study Women say thanks more than men in online transactionsLooking at 500,000 Venmo transactions from 2017, student loan refinancing site Comet found that the language of money is different for men and women.For women, the most common feeling expressed in transactions welches a version of gratitude Thank(s). Women were more than twice as likely as men to say some version of thanks when sending money.Meanwhile, for men, the most common caption accompanying their mobile transactions was food. But when it came to using emojis, food was a universal language. The pizza emoji was the most common emoji used for both genders when sending money to someone. Turns out, food is still the most basic need.

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